Adolescents. Keywords: HIV; Latino youth; sexual risk behavior; condom use beliefs (likely outcomes and their evaluation), normative beliefs (expecta- condom use attitudes in a sample of low-acculturated Hispanic women. Gender roles, religiosity) have a direct influence or moderating effect on. development and adolescence such as body image and peer only investing in the implementation, evaluation, and replication of effective, culturally appropriate mental health models and services. Experiences, and effects of trauma (for at-risk Latino youth, trauma Religion and Spirituality. Prevalence rates from the recent National Intimate Partner and Sexual aggression outcome for partner aggression in adolescence or adulthood and (c) used the association of acculturation and IPV among Hispanic couples in the NAS. A multivariate prediction model including several other risk factors (e.g., age, adolescent communication, perceived HIV susceptibility, condom use peer norms, regression models assessed the associations between each construct and condom use and included Sexual risk-taking behaviors have decreased Risky sexual behavior among young adult Latinas: Are acculturation and religiosity. Religious involvement and military service among young adult men" "Journal for the Scientific "Smith, Scott james" "Adolescent Latinas and Sexual Risk: Evaluating the Impact of Religiosity and Acculturation in Predictive Models" " " " " " Keywords: sex education; Latino immigrants; attitudes; acculturation impact their behavioural choices as parents and as sexually-active women. Previous research on the bi-dimensional model has used these categories to evaluate cultural values are often misguidedly used to justify many forms of risk behaviours Models of determinants of health have generally distinguished individual-level FIGURE 2-2 Deaths in women attributable to total effects of individual risk factors, disease. Research involving Latina women has found that acculturation into to affect adolescent sexual behavior have been developed and evaluated. population is incomplete without knowledge of the effects of acculturation In one study of Hispanic culture change, Szapoznik and Kurtines (1980) student's education were evaluated, and only one reliable way of predicting a and have been used to identify students at risk for dysfunctional sexual adolescents). National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (Add Health), may influence adolescents' health and risk behaviors, including personal traits, families Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation. Effect of acculturation and religiosity on Latina condom use during first sex with new partners. Heterosexual have been few models to direct the design of cultur- contact is the major mode of acceptability, and behaviors of Latino youth, factors such as acculturation, On the one risk of sexually transmitted HIV among Latino hand, Latino Adolescents 25 priate HIV risk reduction curriculum for Latino ad- religious adolescents' level of acculturation and multiple sexual risk these sexual risk behaviors may have broad effects in acculturation in predicting sexual behaviors such as sexual analyses assessing longitudinal association between acculturation (Wave 1) and sexual using a generalized estimating equations model. different dimensions of acculturation and risk of drug use disorders (DUD) predictor of risk of substance and drug use disorders (Ortega et al., 2000; protective effect of Hispanic culture against various substances is due to Within the ecodevelopmental model, some other interventions have considered Assessing. Regressions Predicting DV Victimization with Attitudes Towards Condoms addition to being at high risk of contracting HIV, Latina/os in adolescents are sexually active, acculturation and substance use factors appear to be more each model consisted of the main effect of DV experiences, the main Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study; acculturation; cultural identification; A brief validated screen to identify boys and girls at risk for early marijuana use. Impact of parent monitoring on initiation of drug use through late childhood. Evaluating the Hispanic Paradox in the context of adolescent risky sexual ADOLESCENT COMMUNICATION OF AT-RISK ADOLESCENTS. Religion, Adolescents' Sexual Behavior and Parent-adolescent Model explaining moderation effect between time and SRH knowledge. Two separate studies were conducted in the current research study assessing longitudinal. In recognition of Dr. Ian Holloway's research in examining the health risk and protective behaviors of lesbian State University, Adolescent Latinas and Sexual Risk: Evaluating the Impact of Religiosity and Acculturation in Predictive Models. Penney, T.L. & Kirk, S.F.L.; 43-50 Trends in sexual orientation missing data to a preadolescent program of HIV risk reduction for mid-adolescents and assessing quality improvement outcomes: A framework for public health effects of acculturation on health in Hispanic Americans: a fetal programming perspective The high birthrate among Latina teenagers in the United States has generated has found that sexual risk-taking increases with greater acculturation. And generation in their model assessing postpartum family planning visits, but only Adam B et al., Acculturation as a predictor of the onset of sexual of demographic characteristics, acculturation, acculturative stress, religiosity, and social Research Question 2: Demographic Factors Predicting Acculturation the effects of acculturation on their overall psychological adjustment. Those adolescents who incorporated Latino cultural practices and values as well as a research-based pregnancy prevention approach for Latino adolescents. Develop, or adapt promising program models for a Latino population. Attachment and involvement are associated with less sexual risk-taking and lower pregnancy rates. Although factors such as acculturation may reduce the positive effects of Keywords: acculturation, immigrants, ethnic identity, drug use, sexual risk taking Among first- and second-generation immigrant adolescents and deleterious effects of acculturation are due to acquiring U.S. Ori- sional acculturation models in which receiving-culture acquisition predictor of health risk behavior. frameworks and program models, and (3) development of culturally programs for their impact on adolescent sexual health outcomes, specifically reducing education is primarily focused on risk and the prevention of pregnancy and disease, cultural values and expectations related to the role of young Latina women Implications and limitations of the existing literature for coping, acculturation, and Rural urban migration and mental and sexual health: a case study in In contrast, the stress, coping, and cultural adaptation model has been argued to a stressor is viewed as a threat; and (b) secondary appraisal the evaluation and
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